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Here are some websites that use donations to help endangered animals.

World Wildlife Fund - Works to save endangered species and addresses larger global issues. They focus on six main areas: forest, marine, freshwater, wildlife, food, and climate.

Pacific Whale Foundation - Their mission is to our oceans through science and advocacy.They protect whales, dolphins and other marine animals.

Panthera - Protects all sorts of big cats like tigers, jaguars, leopards, pumas and cheetahs.

Jane Goodall Institute - Was created to ensure that Jane Goodall's mission was continued. Gorillas and chimpanzees have been recieving care thanks to this foundation.

Defenders of Wildlife - Cares and protects all animals by helping to conserve their habitats.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature United States - Helps find solutions to our pressing enviornment and development challenges. ICUN-US is the world's oldest and global enviormental organization.

The Nature Conservancy - This organization helps protect nature by buying land and rivers to protect that piece of land or river and everything living in it.

International Fund for Animal Welfare - Founded in 1969 this organization helps house pets to wild animals, and helps all animals in need of desperate help.

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society - This organization was founded in 1977 and helps stop habitate destruction, poaching, and slaughter. They protect everything in the ocean from the tiniest plankton to the great whales.

International Rhino Foundation - This foundations helps the Sumatran Rhinos (critically endangered), the Javan Rhinos (critically endangered), the Greater One-Horned Rhino (vulnerable), the Black Rhino (critically endangered), and the White Rhino (the last male just died and there are only 2 females left). You can either donate money or donate by buying some accessories from their shop.